Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I failed my Master Cleanse! =( I really had my mind set on doing this and I thought it would be a breeze!!! I was so wrong. The first day was perfectly fine. I wasn't even hungry. But when I was about to go to sleep I felt like throwing up and kept running to the bathroom but I just kept gagging. My head hurt like it never hurt before. Eventually I drifted off to sleep and the next day I could barely get up. I felt so lightheaded! I still didn't give up. I got through the second day. Later at night however, I drank something other than water and lemonade mixture which led me to say, "fuck this!". So really, I didn't eat anything for two freakin days! I go crazy when I don't eat for 6 hours straight so this was intense for me. :p


Oh well! I'm a girl who needs to eat. Like I said, I wasn't doing this to lose weight (even though I could use some weight loss) but was hoping to accomplish this cleanse to clear my skin up and clean my soul!!! Maybe I'll give it another shot soon. I have $13 of lemons sitting in my room! W-T-F. 

Yum Yum. 


Sunday, March 13, 2011


So I've decided to give myself a challenge-- THE MASTER CLEANSE. First off, this is not a vanity issue or something I'm doing to lose weight. Like I said in my first post, I've had a lot on my mind lately and I made this blog to write about things that make me happy. :) I'm challenging myself to do this cleanse for many reasons but mostly to clear my mind. Yes, I'm going to be dreaming of ice cream and cheeseburgers BUT I've done my research. Many people who do this cleanse end up having some kind of spiritual awakening. I'm not saying I'll experience this (or even make it through one day!!) but I want to experience it myself. I'm not a person who deprives their body to stay slim or someone who follows new diet trends. I just feel like this cleanse will clear my mind, my soul, and obviously my body of toxins that's making me feel so groggy... and weak!! 

I haven't even begun the cleanse yet and I'm already hearing negative things! My brother--- who works out regularly and lives a healthy lifestyle said it's not a good idea. He said I'm just starving myself and it's unhealthy. I agree! I would never starve myself to lose a pound. I'm always about doing things the right and healthy way. Like I said, this is not a vanity thing. I'm doing this for myself-- to hopefully find a peace of mind. :) I trust this cleanse because the three ingredients supposedly have enough nutrients and calories to keep your body functioning properly. Obviously it's not healthy to live off of this menu your entire life but it's nutritious enough for the time you're on your cleanse. If others have done this 40+ days, I'm sure I can survive a day. 

From this cleanse I hope to feel rejuvenated and more alive! If I feel like I can't make it on the first day, I'll simply stop. My goal is three days. The maximum number of days this cleanse can be done is 40 days. I find that crazy!! I'm trying to keep my goals realistic...like getting through ONE day! I've been thinking about doing this for a long time and I finally found the motivation and strength to begin this a few days ago. I decided to start it tomorrow. I have all the ingredients and I'm ready to start! I didn't choose to do this right away because you really have to mentally prepare yourself. I didn't want to just wake up and say, "Hey I'm going to do this today and that's that." I'm slowly preparing myself and reading and watching other peoples experiences. It helps a lot watching other peoples success. Every story I heard was a positive experience. They all said the first 4-5 days was the hardest but after that they started feeling extremely energized and great. 

I know this is going to be extremely difficult but I feel like I need to do this for myself. I also hope I can gain a new relationship with food! :) I've put on some weight since meeting my boyfriend in 2008 BUT I call it love weight. I'm not ashamed of it! haha :p We ate food non stop and tried different restaurants and cooked together. We were eating just to spend time together! Like most guys, he didn't gain a pound!!! W-T-F?! haha Anyway, my point is, I wasn't eating and actually tasting my food and appreciating where it came from. I just ate constantly without realizing what I was putting in my mouth. I'm saying all this now, I'm hoping I get through one day. I'll probably be updating this constantly to keep track of my cravings and current mental state! If I decide to do this again in the future I want to look back and see when and why I was struggling and how I can feel better the second time around.

I'm actually quite excited to begin this challenge but I'm sure within 2 hours of the cleanse I will be aggravated. The biggest challenge for me will be my caffeine withdraw symptoms! Can you say HEADACHE!!?!! I love my coffee but lowering my caffeine intake has been a goal of mine for years! AHHH!!! I CAN DO THIS!!! For anyone else who decides to do this...I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!!!! :]


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Vegetable and Tofu Stir-Fry

So I've been craving tofu and my inner Bobby Flay was feeling creative. I took the first recipe I found and tweaked it using ingredients I had. This is the link to the recipe:


It tastes so GOOD!! I was going to take pictures of my final result but my camera wasn't charged. You can find all these ingredients at your local Asian Food Market or any supermarket. I find that Wegmans would be the most convenient if you don't live near an Asian Food Market. They have an International section that have the most variety. I noticed that some people left comments saying it was too bland. Put in a dash of salt if needed. I added something called Bean Paste and it just added that extra kick. :) 

You can enjoy it by putting this dish over some steaming yummy rice. :) I need to add pictures next time. I'm definitely going to be making this dish again in the near future. Happy eating:)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is my first post! :) I'm pretty  psyched about it. I'm not expecting a huge audience..or ANYONE for that matter. I'm just doing this for myself. Lately I've had a lot on my mind and sometimes you need an outlet. :) I just want to come to this blog when I come across something I love, or something that just makes me smile! When I expand my blog and add more posts, I hope some anonymous people come across it and makes them smile. To anyone who comes across this... helloandgoodbye. :)

Have a lovely day. :)